Original Post
Selling Inv, cheap, take a look ;)
Hey Guys,

Here is the Link:

Ok, now i make some prices, maybe now anyone want to buy my Stuff:

Galdiator Force: 10TCs
Orc Relax: 10TCs
Orc Timer: 10TCs
Orc User Text: 10TCs
Radioactive Torso: 300TCs
Gaia Torso: 900TCs
I just selling these Items!

If you buy Radio Torso or Gaia Torso you get 2 Orc/Glad Items for free!
Last edited by PainQT; Nov 8, 2008 at 11:59 AM.
Wanne Click? I think so. ;)
sorry for double post, 300 tcs for radioactive torso
<KiTFoX> Just because I type pretty, doesn't mean I'm not a fucking idiot.
fc1e24df you dont have any offer wich is higher than Bio-Helix...

@Bio Helix, i would say 1,9 for Radio Torso and Spinx Force.
Wanne Click? I think so. ;)