Off-Topic: I do some work im my minecraft World , im going to defeat the dragon but i need some Ender Eye`s and after that i will make a Iron farm , i have a small house like 6x6 or 5x5 i forgot it , the basic farms and Full Diamond :P, and i just enchanted a sword and have looting III and i put a book into the anvil with sharpness III
NOTE: Later i will upload some pics of my world .
Last edited by Jenson; Apr 20, 2014 at 07:40 PM.
Reason: mised and deleted words
No neutral, it fucks up the system, just yes, nog or nothing.
Also, saying neutral doesn't mean it is extend trial. Extend trial is for when you didn't see the member often yet and when you think you can have a vote with a longer trial period.