Christmas Lottery

Ok guys. Here's the stuff:

You must send a PM to nerti telling me who'd be the best co-leader between Nut and JDawg. Tell me a reason and good luck to the future co-leader!
Modo Bestia
Wish i was there
I play atleast 5 hours at toribash at weekends
So contact me when you can and thx guys for welcoming me
Iam very ready
Last edited by Loona; Apr 24, 2014 at 05:49 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
What version do u have emo ?
When (i) Grow Up, I Will Identify As An Attack Helicopter <3
Sometimes (i) realize life is fucking stupid
You might need get update. Also nerti do not tell me or nut who voted what so we don't have a fit (Not that it would happen) at people who voted against us
I am the best candidate to be co-leader i have been with beta 2 months before jdawg even heard of beta and i was here when we were rank 48 and i have helped bring us to 7 and i have great leadership abilities and plus i helped recruit jdawg and jdawg just because you watched sm0ke die doesn't mean were gonna die and you probably couldn't help with sm0kes death everything happens for a reason i am going to bring us to be official you have only warred and and recruited a couple of trials i have recruited full members and i have known all of members
#WeAreTheBetaGeneration #voteForTheNut
Every body praise this man
Rumour is my bae for lyf
Sorry too put you down nut but ever since i been here i haven't seen you do jack squat. I believe i should be Co-Leader due to the fact i do have Clan back round experience especially since all you have done for the clan when you had the "#FutureCoLeader is make a couple of vectors. To be honest nut you did about 12% of that rank 7. I have warred a lot and have succeeded at getting points. (i am just saying this as fact) Nerti has seen me ingame and on the forums i have been very motivated to bring this clan to it's full potential. And you bringing up my very upsetting years in (Sm0ke) dying has nothing to do with this Debate. I made that statement because yesterday was day i officially left (Sm0ke) after it was dead few weeks after So your knowledge of me plus the "best candidate" is wrong.