you have been here 2 and half weeks you have no idea of what i have done for the clan and you can't say anything about me just making vectors i did that for some tc and plus you wearing one of my vectors which i have only made 4 maybe 5 vectors total so that has no power and even have close to the skill i have and your a 3rd dan my rank is even better and just because you lost every match against (now) and i won those points didn't mean they gave us points just because they said that in a whisper doesn't mean its true they were probably just trying to sound pro
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Rumour is my bae for lyf
Well it's sad say but nerti also knows they did do that. Plus 2 and half weeks is plenty of time to see if you are helpful. And if you haven't done anything in 2 and half weeks means you wont work for future success. And besides those vectors plus mine went to your profit was it (Beta)'s? I question your lack of hard work put into clan that 1 war didn't mean anything where were you during the others that got us to rank 7?
i started most of them wars for you cause your such a good leader you didn't know how to start wars and the money i earn from my art doesn't need to go to the clan i made that money and i couldn't continue with wars all the time because i kinda have a life a little and 2 weeks isn't that much to do much of anything and to say you officially left sm0ke yesterday just means you weren't loyal to this clan
Every body praise this man
Rumour is my bae for lyf
Apologies but the reason why i couldn't start wars was due to the fact my internet was having a problem that week. And i am loyal to this clan but (Sm0ke) was a very caring clan and i was proud member just like i am too (Beta) do you think i call myself (Beta)'s Dawg for nothing? How long it takes doesn't mean anything i want see what you have done for (Beta) Because all things you claim you do are not being done. And if vectors are not helping the clan in any way don't bring them up in this debate.
you did i didn't bring up the vectors you can't even remember details in the clan thread wow
Every body praise this man
Rumour is my bae for lyf
The Vectors were what you brag about how you claim you help this clan since due you started them. The fact is your just gonna keep arguing so imma do the same til your bedtime :3
and how did you know about my bed time there is a stalker in our clan thats great what do you do jack off to my greatness while in your dog house and you do is brag about yourself then when i play all you say is peverted stuff and nut six *btw isn't true I'm quite awesome* and i wasn't saying they were gonna help the clan i was just proud of my new skill and i would like some comments from my loving clan members
Every body praise this man
Rumour is my bae for lyf
Well that got way off subject nut. We are discussing the debate not your fantasies. And it doesn't matter if you don't have bedtime or not i just was saying that due to the fact you are a young clan member. Now off why you should be co-leader i have worked myself up to alpha in such little time due to me being a loyal clan member. I believe this clan can go far with strong leadership. I don't go back on my word nor give up.
When Eboy left i was one Leading are clan into the Semi-Finals then into the Bronze match coming up soon. I hate you believe you have the upper hand when it takes a motivated drive to become Co-leader you just brushing this off like you have no doubt you are gonna be co-leader.