Christmas Lottery
View Poll Results: What type of art do you prefer?
Simple and Cartoony
1 Votes / 12.50%
Detailed and Complex
3 Votes / 37.50%
I like them both
4 Votes / 50.00%
0 Votes / 0%
Voters: 8. You may not vote on this poll
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Ill cnc the part where you edited it

first kick was 'Ok' you could have added more power

2nd kick was weird because you hit uke in the side of your shin :l

the follow up of the second kick was just sloppy and really weak its like you just contracted and just get that dm then go on because you got the dm

3rd kick was not really that nice because you hit uke with your shin which is pretty weird and you should have gotten distance so that you can get more to your kick
Originally Posted by xGodEnzx View Post
Can Trial Members join the Diamonds clan tourney?

Sure, why not? It is a chance for them to prove themselves.
[23:51] * Toad311 Licks Nitoratus's crotch