View Poll Results: What type of art do you prefer?
Simple and Cartoony
1 Votes / 12.50%
Detailed and Complex
3 Votes / 37.50%
I like them both
4 Votes / 50.00%
0 Votes / 0%
Voters: 8. You may not vote on this poll
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Sorry, I was online whole morning, might come online evening late midday again.

And welcom back minster
Rapid Threads Lmod.
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Btw, welcome back minster.
[23:20:46] Negrito: Im practically chris brown
[23:20:54] Ale455: without the chris
The water bottle of a glowing musshroom in the top of the hill of swag was about to fuck a man in the nose. Then a fairy went to a
[23:20:46] Negrito: Im practically chris brown
[23:20:54] Ale455: without the chris
if you want, upload the replay, or take a pic of the pose, and the kind of pose i like is the... well, the normal stance, standing on your feets without touching the ground with the hands and those things.
[23:20:46] Negrito: Im practically chris brown
[23:20:54] Ale455: without the chris
Very mature and nice player overall, but I'm more comfortable with extending his trial time for a day or two, just to see where he is at. Not saying that you can't have a vacation, I just need to learn a bit more bout you.

So yea, extend trial time for a day or two.
Last edited by Conduct; May 18, 2014 at 04:24 PM.
How do you kill one with no life?
Originally Posted by Conduct View Post
Very mature and nice player overall, but I'm more comfortable with extending his trial time for a day or two, just to see where he is at. Not saying that you can't have a vacation, I just need to learn a bit more bout you.

So yea, extend trial time for a day or two.

What this guy said.
[23:51] * Toad311 Licks Nitoratus's crotch
Well ale, then I wont upload it, it's like a spin on the ground and then you sit with help of your hands...
Rapid Threads Lmod.
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