Well everyone else does it and you do it to, And you siggy isn't da best :>
Also everyone duck has left the clan. It seems sad but it isn't anything we should be upset over it. Anyways nerti is a lazy sack of shit (Sorry bby <3) so we are gonna re-do this. I would like you PM me the best clan story and i will vote with nerti and Xaeon who made best one. The one who makes the best story will be credited for his/her story and maybe even a small prize for your story.

Now i shall say farewell to you duck

Bye :D

Last edited by jdawg2001; Jun 14, 2014 at 07:01 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Hi guys.
From today I´ll be inactive. I´m going to spend a holidays whit my friends.
I´ll be inactive 1 week, I´m back the sunday, the sunday 22th, maybe one day more.
And nothing more guys... I just ask only a thing: When I comeback I want to see this clan in the fucking top, I want to see all the clans defeated by Beta, you guys can do it, you all have talent, and you are the best, this clan is the best. Understood?
Go Beta! see you soon!
Yeah we are lazy for that but i will put you in inactive for now, and you have right comeback as a Alpha for you telling us before you left. And also i think me and other leaders should discuss a new alpha in future
It's quite obvious that duck was leaving. It depends on the perspective.

Anyways, we can do it, but I don't know, we're kinda lazy to war, but whatevs.
I'll go online later.

And yeah maybe one more alpha can come.
Modo Bestia
nerti we need to spar and we can ask if we can get someone to make us a clan video so if you have some really good replays guys please pm me them

also xaeon spar me also i want some real cool beta member spars

i have some with emo but they arent really the best so me and him will make some more
Every body praise this man
Rumour is my bae for lyf
Hello guys, here to tell you that I'll be inactive for a week because I have some problems I have to solve.

See ya soon!
Modo Bestia