Secret Santa 2024
I can understand where your're coming from, I am also an only child. But I've always wished for more, even if they are far away. At least I know I have one
my sister is the worst fucknig thnmhing on mthe plamgnety idk why yuouifd want a sibling theyrere shit

I saw my girlfriend for five minutes today so that was cool.
wow that
Originally Posted by Nearly View Post
she lives in the next town over so its not like we're having hot sex or anything :l

lol what

Just the fact that you have someone is good enough imo...
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Originally Posted by Nearly View Post
she lives in the next town over so its not like we're having hot sex or anything :l

That logic.

Since when does where you live indicate whether you have hot sex or not?
you people can't seem to take a joke.

I feel so accomplished today I cleaned my room finally did laundry got meds ah I'm usually a lazy pile of shit so this feels nice
wow that
I enter a server and suddenly some guy's like "Oh wow you're from Atlantic"
This has happened twice now.
I come back after 4-6 months of inactivity and suddenly we're like somewhat k00l? Is it just because we're... old?

edit: What the hell.. I-I'm not in Atlantic anymore...? ;_;

edit2: nevermind.. the Atlantic thing doesn't show up under my username but it does on my profile..
Last edited by Xenofire; Jul 19, 2014 at 08:36 AM.