View Poll Results: What do you think of the quality of ThatOneGuy's textures?
Wow, These are amazing I just love them!
19 Votes / 26.39%
Woah, these are pretty cool.
23 Votes / 31.94%
I dont really care...
13 Votes / 18.06%
Jeez... These could really use some work...
6 Votes / 8.33%
Ugh, they are so sickeningly ugly I cannot continue to look at the page!
11 Votes / 15.28%
Voters: 72. You may not vote on this poll
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B-E-A-utiful, this is gonna look great. nice eye work! i do see a line on the back of the head, but im guessing the head will fix that.
dude, i dont think im paying you enough anymore! after u sell this to me, expect some more money, the next time i buy TC ima send u like 20-30k
great job dude

lol, and I was afraid you might say, Ahhh its too scary! (You'd be surprised about how many people dont want some of my textures because of that.)
Yea I noticed that slight line too. I dont see anything on the texture that would have caused that so Im thinking its just gimp's animation scripts being retarded again. (Have you seen what it did to my golem head?)
lol yah i did, that usually happens when u dont merge the layers, or you try to do that to a file that is not saved as gimp's default save thing (its like xif or sumtin)

*double post*
do u still wanna be in the clan rofl?

ok big favor can u make me a texture dq and arms (no hands) for 6k and saph force

if u can i want the dq to be the shoop da woop mouth and eyes

and the arms do a black outline of the arms and than make the inside transparent
Hmm, Im not sure how someone would do that... I will mess around with dq. Im not quite sure how I would do arms like that... Wait, just all the way transparent so the black outline is there? Not sure if that would work, and in shaders it would friek, but I could try it.

Oh and price is fine, just if you would please try to convert the force into 15,000 TC, it would be appreciated.
Last edited by ThatOneGuy; Oct 30, 2008 at 05:05 AM.
so the rims to joints are black and there are some stripes connecting them?
zzz forgot the arms are square, so for each face you want the outside black and inside trans.