lol those shorts are TINY! lolololol, ill send u the pharoas force now, i wuz wondering if u could fix the shorts though, please? lol
Email: [email protected]
*double, i wanted full pants remember? =( can u add some red to kinda make it look like pants are tucked into the combat boots? and make the shorts into pants? with patches? please =) ill send u 5k extra
that looks great, i can just add in the details myself (patches, rips, sew lines) and pharos force is NEVER in stock, so im guessing u will sell it in at least 5 days.
originally it was only pharoas force, but ill send u an extra 6k, upper body = ub3r, lowerbody = average. lol, but still, great overall job, especially for ur first human body request =). sending stuff now