Christmas Lottery
ingame name:Ronnie365
how long have you been playing:1 month
best mod:judo and akido
infractions-suspensions:none whatsoever
previous clans:applied for J-K-D turned down
sense of humor: very good one
personality:likeable,funny and very loyal
opinion on furries:very weird
pie or cakeie definitely
the internet is a serious business: couldnt agree more
why you want to join put some effort into this:I want to join because i got turned down by J-K-D and i want another chance to get revenge. if you let me join this clan and we had a clan war with J-K-D i would kick there snobby asses to hell and I would never join another clan.
Application to the next clan will say:

ingame name:Ronnie365
how long have you been playing:1 month
best mod:judo and akido
infractions-suspensions:none whatsoever
previous clans:applied for TTF turned down
sense of humor: very good one
personality:likeable,funny and very loyal
opinion on furries:very weird
pie or cakeie definitely
the internet is a serious business: couldnt agree more
why you want to join put some effort into this:I want to join because i got turned down by TTF and i want another chance to get revenge. if you let me join this clan and we had a clan war with TTF i would kick there snobby asses to hell and I would never join another clan.

Co-Leader Of [o] M3Hi's Nii Nii
Ingame Name-Brownbear
How long you have been playing-10 minutes
Your Age-15
Timezone and country-Eastern, US
Your Best mode-Judo
Received any infractions/suspensions on the forum(state why/how long if yes)-no
Previous clans (if any)-no
Do you have a sense of humor?-Yes
Opinion on Furries(why?)-Epic
Pie or cake?-cake
æ? /b/? etc?-o.o
The internet is a serious business?-kinda
Why you want to join(put some effort into this)-Because It sounds awesome
Fight the power.
Originally Posted by Brownbearz View Post
Ingame Name-Brownbear
How long you have been playing-10 minutes
Your Age-15
Timezone and country-Eastern, US
Your Best mode-Judo
Received any infractions/suspensions on the forum(state why/how long if yes)-no
Previous clans (if any)-no
Do you have a sense of humor?-Yes
Opinion on Furries(why?)-Epic
Pie or cake?-cake
æ? /b/? etc?-o.o
The internet is a serious business?-kinda
Why you want to join(put some effort into this)-Because It sounds awesome


You will be considered, I would first like to get to know you, probably ingame.
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Originally Posted by Brownbearz View Post
well im grounded for a while

Oh, well no rush.

You may look around our forum - post in some threads if you want.
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