
like i get if you're busy any stuff but you're the one thats been pushing for this tourney thing so idk

sent you that friend invite like a week ago
wow that
Like I said: barely go on steam unless to play once in a while.... and besides I was pretty excited for the tourney but pretty sure it won't come any soon..
Don't think even if i have enough for prizes because I'm going to end up with like 10k tc if i sell everything...
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Originally Posted by Hayz View Post
Like I said: barely go on steam unless to play once in a while....

i understand but i feel like there's a "hey lets do this thing" and then theres no real effort. like i don't know how busy you are and stuff i don't know your life man, but idk i figure adding someone would take like a second. especially if we already discussed it here.
wow that
Originally Posted by Nearly View Post
i understand but i feel like there's a "hey lets do this thing" and then theres no real effort...

It's like I wasn't interested at the time or something... Like I even said a couple of times, there were people with me at the time from both clans (Aeon and Atlantic) in a server and we were ready to start it... The only reason I didn't even considered starting the tourney was because of some people missing... specially Hacks and you.
Because it would be pretty shitty (imo) to not have him or even you in there so we could enjoy something as a group (not to mention the clan). We already had two moments like those and you guys were always there and I would feel like a real ass if I didn't include you both on this one as well.
FUCK ME for being an asshole and actually considerate other people, am I right?
I just left the thing to die afterwards due lack of interest and since nobody else raised the subject.

Btw, all the hype to in-game plays on birthday and stuff: it didn't and never happened. I feel like things really need to be planned with exact hours and stuff so we can all meet and just do like that... And actually do them because some of the fault it's mine for forgetting or skipping stuff that is actually planned.

About adding you in steam... chill down. Like I said, I'm not even there much anyway so adding you would mean almost nothing unless i change my mind and actually spend more time there. I'm going to add you, yes... all in due time.
Last edited by Hayz; Apr 1, 2015 at 09:40 PM.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~