Back in the day I was a marketing Guru. When I left I gave 70K+ and shit load of valuable items away to a "friend" lol. When I returned I messaged him like "What's up?!?" but didn't offer anything. Not surprising though lol that's just the way it goes.
Ive always juat gave out handouts with expecting nothing in return
Because youd be surprised who your real friends are after youve done things for them and they no longer need you
Ive always juat gave out handouts with expecting nothing in return
Because youd be surprised who your real friends are after youve done things for them and they no longer need you
can i have some money so i can buy more joint textures
Originally Posted by Hayz
Finally, a note specially for nearly
we've always been cool, i just worry sometimes that i come off as being annoying or irritating and i'm trying a bit to fix that. i guess part of the reason i was nagging you so much is i really wanna hang out with you guys since i've pretty much been talking exclusively with my gf the past few whenever.
Lol it wasn't the expectation of him giving me anything, it was more the morality of it considering he's really well off now. Ah well, I don't ask for anything. I work hard to get it and if I pick up some extra on the way, great lol.