hello? I've seen Raiken in the market section of the forum and he seemed like a cool dude, checked his clan tag to later see that he's in fl0w, so it brought me here! Hello everyone!
lmao I know that I'm not really known here yet, only talked with Gary like 2 months ago but getting to know you guys would be p great. It's basically the reason why I came here, to make friends
Well Raiken youre actually ahead of me because you are already in College, I want to go to college while working so they pay for it. And that way I can also further my education after I retired from the military through their money aswell with the GI Bill. Not just that I want to major in Mechanical Engineering and business. Car customization company is my hope and dream in the future.
[fl0w][Alpha][Catalyst][Submerge][Calamity][Swosh][Scourge][Colors][Neko][Miner][Kunt][deprav][Possesed][TMO-Leader][Proud Council member of TeamLenshu]
Hey boys, nice to see you all posting, been busy with work and all that jazz, hope I can catch some of you ingame sometime so we can play some matches.
Oh wow, cool thing Thanatos. My current major is electrical engineering for now!
Originally Posted by Deiimosjw
Hey boys, nice to see you all posting, been busy with work and all that jazz, hope I can catch some of you ingame sometime so we can play some matches.