Not bad! It looks quite nice, though a bit more clearifying of the colors would look nice. Make them pop out some more, and you got a quality set for sure. The torso should also have been a bit more varied. Still, nice work. 8/10.
Yeah the torso doesn't really fit, but it's a good set. There is also some strange lines at the back of the head you should fix. i like the way you turned the right thigh upside down and used it as a left leg. =) Ima go with 7/10.
The background of the torso is black and the rest seems to be blue and there are some fuzzy lines in the back of the head that don't look that great but other than that it's great minimalist. 8/10
I like the wrists, the boxes go like a real fist, overall, its not thaat Minimalistic, but also not crowded. As said of the others, the torso dont fits, but it can be replaced easily.