Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[TRADE] Supernova Relax!
Hey people, i have a relax fetish. Im always changing, so i have decided to trade my supernova relax for an assortment of relax's.

Among the relax's you may trade me, a vamp one is a must.

So a heap of relax's for my nova relax, catch my drift?
Erm, no thanks AKP. This nova lax seems to be a hot topic, im looking for something big.

Ardge, that typhon sounds nice. But the other relax's not so much. AKP, have you got anything else to offer?
Still to low, i could sell my nova relax and buy both of those items and still have 20k left.

Sorry for being a Fag, but im not going to get ripped off.
Ok then, nevermind. I don't wanna throw in my imperial force or raider blood >.>
master of the universe