Original Post
Quite Possibly The Worst Media Player Ever
Who here has ever seen or used this piece of crap?

This is the definition of bad.
The VideoNow plays TV shows on what must be the smallest screen for anything I've ever seen. the discs can only hold 1 show (EX: 2 episodes of spongebob). The video quality is ass in every sense of the word. it has no skip protection whatsoever. the smallest bump fucks it up. also its huge. an its black and white. which brings us to

OMG!! It's in color!!
i couldn't believe they re-released this piece of shit and all they did was make it in color. that's all they did. now its slightly wider and thicker. the picture quality still blows, in addition to the skip protection. and the screen size is maybe a millimeter bigger.

i know these were marketed towards kids (i was in 2nd grade when i got this for my birthday) but kids dont deserve something this shitty. it blows my mind how much it sucks. and i figured id share this horible mistake with you
That's business for you.
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
i couldn't believe they re-released this piece of shit and all they did was make it in color

I remember seeing them advertised on TV, meaning they sold well.

That's business for you

Originally Posted by Blam View Post
I remember seeing them advertised on TV, meaning they sold well.

thats a shame
Ya I saw em on tv all the time never thought to buy em, I use my watch for watching vids on the go, cus I'm a super epic spy and also listen to music and porn on it . The newer version of my watch comes with a camera though mine doesnt.
Ya,who would want to be seen walking around with something as big as that.Unfortunatly i have the black and white one.I got one when i was little and by experience,it sucks.
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after a little googling i found other models

the kiddy version

apparently this also played games but with any luck the games probably sucked ass

(now we can see the inner workings of this piece of shit)
im no tech expert but from the looks of t it appears that the shell could have been downsized quite a bit
I use my PSP for all my music, picture storing, and movie needs.
By the looks of the VideoNow, it only has Nickelodean movies, which makes it fail more.
<Vezere> Do you love me?
<Wesley> Indeed