ok, this is making me mad, i have a flame particle,
when ever i have it deactivated, it still shows,
and then i changed it all to transparent, and still, it shows all squared.
Hi Ofillusion, not really sure about it but you got 3.8 beta? I had 3.72 and textures never turned of and never uploaded, only items. Try that out ;) . Thats all i can say, it worked for me downloading 3.8
Ofi: This is just for the betas.
If you go to Uke's custom folder and open up the flame.tga, its a square, which is pretty rough ingame.
I suggest that you upload the 3.72 default flame as particle, then you'll have your old-looking flame texture back.
Note that this will be fixed probably.
Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward
Urgh, it's got the screwed up default from the old Mac version by default? That sucks. :s
If you don't have access to 3.7x then delete the flame texture from uke's folder & /dl uke to get a proper version.
Really you should do that anyway, because anyone without a flame texture will have the one in uke's folder, and it makes flames look crappy & they can obscure your view.
<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
If the copy of flame.tga in ukes folder does not work, try uploading the one from my custom folder.
I still use the 3.7 default flame texture
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