Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Alright this is a serious post
this started out by i just wanted to get braces, but then the dentist found large teeth barried in my gums because i still need to remove 2 little teeth. Anyway to get these teeth out i have to have surgery and the orthodontist said getting these teeth out is easy but after u wake up from surgery the pain is like you've been hit by a truck, he even said some of his patients had to have a lot of pain killings to get rid of the pain because it was that excruciating.
i felt really disturbed by this
so guys do you think i should go underway with the surgery or try seek new options around going into surgery
Weird. When I had to get two teeth removed, My dentist numbed up the roof of my mouth, stuck a tool in my mouth, pulled my teeth out, and before I could even realize it, he was telling me to leave because he was done. I didn't feel a thing, and he didn't have to put me to sleep.
go for it. I've had the exact same thing done, and its not as bad as described. sure it hurts some, but in the long run you're not going to regret it. It may be the only option, otherwise you'll have to have and even MORE painful surgery later. just make sure you have some painkiller medicine you can take soon after the surgery is done. that way, as soon as the anesthesia wears off the painkiller will be kicking in. Good luck with whatever option you choose ^^
..your all a bunch of asses..sorta jk

I had the same thing. Except i had 3 little teeth that needed to be taken out. And i didnt get m mouth numbed...And that gas didn't do a thing for me except make me nervous...
I'd say do it though, cause its probably worth the risk

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I might have to do jaw surgery as well, with clinically moving my jaw forward to clash with the tooth proportions. It's that or MALU-braces (Google it to see details).

I think you should go for it, though. The dentist says I might be too big for the braces to help, but still too young for surgery. If you can, do it. Things like that will only get worse. Also, you're done with it in a heartbeat.
Well go get hit by a truck to know how bad it hurts, then if you decide it doesnt hurt that bad after coming out of the hospital, go for it!

No really tho I say just go for it
That's total bullshit because I had two teeth rooted in my gums and I had them surgically removed, didn't feel shit afterwards. They fuck you up on anesthetics. I was like, petting my mom on the way home and saying "I love you mom". She said she wish she had a camera. :l
the first time i went to the dentist i had 8 cavities =P
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