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Lucid Dream [LD]
Lucid Dream
A lucid dream is a dream in which the sleeper is aware that he/she is dreaming. When the dreamer is lucid, they can actively participate in and often manipulate the imaginary experiences in the dream environment.

What do you think about it? Anyone ever tried it? Any advices on how to?
Heard a lot about it. Never tried to do it, but I think I experienced LD once (some days after first reading about it), however it lasted short time etc.
Lucid dream is quite interesting thing.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Indeed it is.
I've read about it about a month ago. Since then I experienced it only once by using the wake-back-to-bed (WBTB) method. Tbh I didn't belive it exist but now I try to achieve it every day.
I had one for a bit however when I noticed it was a dream, I woke up :<.

Interesting Read:
Check the pages for more info and ways to lucid dream :D.
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
These things are actually really fun to do if you learn how to do it. At the point you know you are in a dream, if you keep yourself from waking up, you can indeed control it. Perfect example, your walking in your house and you notice your parents have one eyeball, cyclops. If you say "Hey, this isn't right, you aren't my parents. This is a dream." You more than likely can do what you want, if you can stay asleep. I have one time waken up 4 times from one dream...I woke up my first time, put my feet over my bed, and woke up again. Second time I made it to the door. Third time I had breakfast. Fourth time I was actually awake and I was pissed that I re-lived my morning three times lol.

To me, the stuff is dead now.I use to do this stuff when I was younger because I had nothing better to do. You won't get it right away, and unless you have a lot of free time, this is not worth it. Go online and look around if your interested, and while your out looking, might as well look at Astral Projection cause its practically the same thing.
Yeah, this happens to me once in a while, but it's not on purpose. :S

I still find it quite odd, but you can actually make some stuff what you want, like your own playground. Very, very entertaining.
I have one of these like every day. I sleep during the day, mainly and I think it's because of the extra stimulation coming from light and sounds. Lucid dreams rock.
I just read about the False Awakenings. And, well... sometimes they can be scary as hell.

One time, or several times I've had that. I was walking out of my room and bizzare thing happened. Scary things. Oh well. Lucid dreaming is pretty cool.
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
have done this several times, on purpose too. all i do, is i think about dreaming awake, while trying to sleep, then, subconsicouly, fall asleep, but you dont notice, and you can control everything. i use vocals to keep myself lucid, like "INCREASE LUCIDITY", with a stern, urgent voice, seems to work for me