Original Post
Trails 50K
Yeah, pretty basic request here, just a four trail request.

To fit the style of my current set (image below).

50K for the best, all four can be the same not fussed.

This ends when I get what I want


I'm on this

anything specific you'd like as well?

I.e. pictures, images like bullets, flags, maybe a jubbly?
Last edited by ShadoDance; Jun 23, 2009 at 03:37 AM.
((Pro-Evolution, Anti-Christ))
Yeah 50K seems like a bit much for trails, but my requests never seem to get attention. =P

Look forward to seeing your work.
Not sure what kind of trails come out of this set, any ideas to help?
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I'm doing this
I'll post pics when im done
Attached Images
DavidFeeTrails.jpg (74.2 KB, 18 views)
Last edited by DjPz; Jun 23, 2009 at 04:22 AM.
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