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Sixth Sense Technology

Basically, Sixth Sense is a mini-projector coupled with a camera and a cellphone—which acts as the computer and your connection to the Cloud, all the information stored on the web. Sixth Sense can also obey hand gestures, like in the movie Report.

This video illustrates a new direction of techology in which a cell-phone, projector and mirror (among other working parts) are coupled together to create a "sixth sense techology". A technology that could revolutionise our everyday lives.
First minute or so is useless(ish), but it proceeds to amaze.

I found this extremely interesting and eye-opening and would like to bring it forth to discuss.
Last edited by PlayaJ; Jun 23, 2009 at 06:33 PM.
While I can see how amazing implementing such technology would be on our decision making, I feel as if it's morally presumptuous to make decisions based simply on logic which is what one of it's features would do. As the example that we do not "Google" a person to find out if their nice or not, if such feature could be accessed and one found a black mark on someone's record, that should be kept to himself unless asked, because then we are making evaluations on people simply on the past, which I can tell you ruins their future.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by hxcbbqimo View Post
While I can see how amazing implementing such technology would be on our decision making, I feel as if it's morally presumptuous to make decisions based simply on logic which is what one of it's features would do. As the example that we do not "Google" a person to find out if their nice or not, if such feature could be accessed and one found a black mark on someone's record, that should be kept to himself unless asked, because then we are making evaluations on people simply on the past, which I can tell you ruins their future.

^ basically what i want to say, and i would like to add, how would you like it, if everything about you was flashed accross your chest?
The components exemplifying the usage of “googling each other” were just previewed for illustration of how the device is used.

Of course, in real life situations, your entire history and personal records would still be kept what they are, personal.

I particularly like the part about taking pictures with your hands etc.. All the entertainment and media functions of this technology could be quite innovating and exciting.
This looks cool!
She said it reads off the persons blog, most peoples blogs don't contain personal things about them except Age and Name etc.
I wonder how they will make it recognize people?
What if they were twins?
Love the camera function!
I also love hxcbbqimo's 'Shadow the Hedgehog' Fox.
i hear about this on TED talks before this. its pretty sick. quick question.... would you rather paint your fingernails, or use condoms on your fingers for this?
I love you
They aren't condoms :| They are like pieces of tape.

And yeah, the camera function is prett damn amazing.

Actually, they were the caps from markers. The woman said so.

Also, I think this is probably one of the most amazing inventions I've seen in a while. What came into my mind while watching the video was a translator function for deaf or mute people, that use sign language to communicate. I hope this gets mass-produced. I'd buy it.