Original Post
welcome to this flames sale!
prices are very low check out.
Void head flame:

starting bid:50k

inferno right hand:

starting bid:50k
current bidder: DSCtinker with full acid,full juryo,full neptune,full cobra,imperial relax and 35k = bid around 85k

both for 160k!
items are accepted BUT only good items like:azurite,void,demon,pure,imperial,vulcan etc...
BUT if one person bid a item worth 50k,if you bid 50k you are the auction leader(exemple)
I Prefer TC that's it
$USD can be negociable too (now)
if you autobuy the two (each) you will receive any item from my inventory:
Last edited by phail; Jun 25, 2009 at 04:48 AM. Reason: No more obscenely large fonts thanks.
Originally Posted by DSCtinker View Post
do you accpet 30k + imperial force as bid for the hand flame ?

imperial force+50k sounds?

Originally Posted by diabllo View Post
full aruroa for head flame

No, thanks
Originally Posted by DSCtinker View Post
ok ill bid 35k + full cobra + imperial relax do you accpet ?

35k + imperial force and relax?sounds good?
Originally Posted by DSCtinker View Post
do you accpet 30k + imperial force as bid for the hand flame ?

isn't force >_>?

Originally Posted by DSCtinker View Post
ive got just the relax ^^

you said "imperial force"
Originally Posted by DSCtinker View Post
azurite and pure are not for sale or something else sry

you can have 35k + knox +juryo+acid+imperial relax+neptun

These are full sets?
Originally Posted by SwaGGJoKeR View Post
i bid 10usd

soo thats 5usd on the first head flame and 5 usd on the sencond flame soo i bid for both

Bid accepted,but you can only bid for the void flame because DSCtinker bid more than you 5$=50k,and he bid 35k + 4 full sets and imperial relax
Originally Posted by DSCtinker View Post
acid without torso and ghost
knox full
cobra full
juryo wihtout primary gardient and dq
neptun without grip
and imperial relax
for the hand flame

bid accepted,adding to the list
Last edited by MasterBr; Jun 25, 2009 at 12:25 AM.