Original Post
[shop] Birdflu's head texture request shop
Hi, this is my head texture request shop. I take requests for any type of head texture and my prices are very reasonable. All textures are made to order. Here are some examples of my work:

Price catogary 1 (100tc-500tc)

Danger Face


Ipod Dog

Price Catorgary 2 (500tc-1000tc)


Smoking Kills



If you are interested in requesting a head texture, please post what you would like it to look like, the style or if you prefer a picture that I will base the texture on. Also please post the price catogary you would like it to be in. Obviously a higher price means a better texture. Most textures should be finished within two days.

To do list:

Done List:
Kakashi texture for MetroX
Ninja for Terminator1
Last edited by BirdFlu; Jun 28, 2009 at 01:08 PM.
Quit, probably.
Coming right up. It should be finished by tuesday (wednesday at the latest). I will decide the price when it is finished.
Quit, probably.
MetroX i've finished your head texture early! I will send it to you now along with the acid user text.
Quit, probably.