Original Post
[Auction]Head Super Soldier
Here is my new Head !
I know u want it ;)

Start Bid: 3k
min Raise: 500tc
Autobuy : offer
Highest bid:Maldiluna 6k

Auction ends 10 july 2009

Screens made by Thejoe

Last edited by Probowser; Jul 10, 2009 at 05:57 PM.
hmm.. gut das du deutsch bist da muss ich nicht so mühe machen auf english zu fragen xD
kannste den head auch schwarz weiß machen und dann von einer seite des heads die farben umkehren? (mach /dl dassofa und /lp 1 dassofa und guck mein head wenn du nicht weißt was ich mein)
wenn ja... kauf ich denn
Hey Probowser I have purchased acid force in your Pro' GreePree Shop but it is not seen in my item list, what is happening ? Did you steal my tcs or what ?
dont be so rude :-D

btw,Xintraxia if you want to say something in german,pm him and dont post here,or post in english even if its not so good.

and pro, i bid 3k if you could recolor it to elf/pure and void/pure
hmm the void version is not so good but here...

and its a auction u dont get the head yet but when u are the winner^^