Original Post
[Auction]Tribal Head's-xD
Min. Raise :250 tc's
Start. Bid. :500 tc's
AutoBuy :2500 tc's

Min. Raise :250 tc's
Start. Bid. :500 tc's
AutoBuy :2500 tc's

Min. Raise :250 tc's
Start. Bid. :500 tc's
AutoBuy :2500 tc's

Quality Lost When Uploaded
Auction End's In 1 Day
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Last edited by DPaD; Jul 10, 2009 at 09:15 PM.
Gay 4 DJ
where's face?
btw if it's made in more than 128/128 u need to put disclaimer.
and no shaders can't see transparency;p
Ryuu was there :o
They are all the same head. You can't sell separate re-colors
<apple> Fine, I love you in the gayest of ways.