Original Post
Relieve Me Of These Items!

Okay, new scheme, there is my inventory. Take what you must, for stupidly low prices. I want cash money, and i don't want these items. If my inventory get's cleared i will be a happy man. I may turn down some offers, because i could still want maybe one or two items. Now whip out your wallets and throw that sweet money in my direction.

Last edited by Corey; Jul 20, 2009 at 07:42 AM.
eh... my budget is incredibly low.
Anything I can get for 60?
I'm starting a shop and need random things to put in it.
If you want, I could put something up there and when it sells, I get you the cash.

At the moment, im just trying to get a good rep with my shop, rather than cash.
DecapW, i just gave Cass the Gaia Force, maybe you should buy it from him. Cass, keep the profit ok?

Now, for the sapphire force, i shall charge you 20k for it.