Selling 100k 10$USD + Items :D *Got 500k in stock*
Hey everyone it's Aspire here (i bought Tastes-nice's account) i have 500k in stock and want to sell every bit of it and when you buy you will always get a item with it
If you buy:
$10USD = 100k + any 2 items out of my inventory (no elf or demon)
$20USD = 200k + any 3 items out of my inventory (same rule about the elf and demon)
$30USD = 300k + any 4 items out my inventory ( same rule)
$40USD = 400k + any 5 items out of inventory (i will send u elf and demon ONLY if you have the right qi )
$50USD = 500k + any 7 items out of inventory (i will send u elf and demon ONLY if you have the right qi )
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars