Original Post
[WIP] 2nd logo attempt
Mmmkay, i didn't liked my first logo, so i tryed to make a epic one, this one is 80% done ( i've got it already 90 but i'll wait till 100% then upload xD)
It's made in photoshop CS4
C&C plz

PSD - PanSowa Design

(Moved to General Art. Watch where you're posting.)
Last edited by CiaoTime; Jul 15, 2009 at 06:16 PM.
Ryuu was there :o
Impressive, how did you make it?

one small note tho, fix the bottom of the "D" it seems unfinished.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
there's a uptade of it,but still WIP
how i made it - it's my secret xD

Ye i'll make smth with bottom;p
Ryuu was there :o
first rules more. and thank you for not helping me =_=
Im gonna experiment with cs4 now. I WILL OWN YOU
this is weird. i cant seem to get the 3d to work. And my cad is expired..

Meh i figured it out. One logo coming up!

Wowzers i suck:

Its my first logo, can you help me out mistur?
Last edited by AlphasoniK; Jul 16, 2009 at 05:48 PM.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.