Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Massive sale, Everything 40-50% off.
Massive sale at half price for almost everything.

Full Hot pink

Shop price: 164k full set.
My price: 95k(can be bargained down)

Crimson Force

Shop price: 50k.
My price: 20k.

Crimson ghost

Shop price: 20k.
My price: 10k.

Hydra Blood

Shop price: 84k.
My price: 30k.

Camo primary gradient:

Shop price: 12k.
My price: 5k

Camo right hand/right leg motion trails

Shop price: 12k/12k.
My price: 5k/5k

Helios blood

Shop price: 10k
My price: 6k

Ivory Grip

Shop price: 12k
My price: 6k

Shaman emote

Shop price: 20k
My price: 12k

Shaman timer

Shop price: 25k
My price: 13k

Shaman user text

Shop price: 20k
My price: 12k
crimson force
your price : 20 k
market price : 5 k....

you are not going to sell anything with these prices, because there are just better deals on market...
||Donate me ^^|| Proud member of [Addicted]||10th DAN||Buy TC here!
Like what DarkHunt said, I highly doubt you can sell these items with your prices. Deal Finder in the market finds them much much cheaper.

But GL selling these though.
master of the universe