Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[Vid][T] Clan video

Credit goes out to: Vigilante, Tamer0, Giantz, MrPoptart, walrusguy, Phoenix333,
Unite4Fun, stompbox and Bisonic.
Proud leader of [TANG]
Old Schooler
Going to have to say it. Letdown

I would have expected more from a [T] clan video, at least in a replay sense but it fell short in my opinion.

Most of the replays, while good, were filmed in a bad camera angle. That combination is more irritating than bad replays and bad camera angles (which I saw occaisionally also). The camera angles were repetitiive, usually from behind or far away and ultimately ruined the replays for me.

No shaders at least looks good now, but at the very least don't make the camera angles bring it to the front and center. Most of them made me painfully aware that it could have been filmed in higher settings.

No syncing that felt good or right. That kills the mood for me.

Trails should be removed when filming, especially if there's a hand or foot dismember. It makes the filming look ugly.

Music choice irritated me. It's better than some I've seen used but it was repetitive with no real changes in beat or melody.

Ultimately, it looked like it was quickly thrown together and that a there was more than could be put behind it. The replays are not a problem most of the time, just the presentation.

Because of that 4/10
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
What he said^

Just a buch of replays and a song :/


Its simple but meh i like it,nice replays
Last edited by ThunderX; Jul 19, 2009 at 12:24 AM.