Original Post
A thing I made...

Last edited by veb; Apr 2, 2008 at 10:39 AM.
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
Re: Thing
:o Its like the master of pwning picture but with a prigles head
You're so weak you're like Kool-aid without sugar.
Re: Thing
You should makea little animation with putting the
What what? In the butt.
Re: Thing
Originally Posted by Foxie
You should makea little animation with putting the

don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
Re: Thing
Originally Posted by ManBreakfast
[guilt trip]It's okay Foxie, you could be like me and not be important enough to be recognized.[/guilt trip]

Who the heck are you?! D=
What what? In the butt.
Re: Thing

maybe this will jog your memory...

I'm the one who does really stupid noobish things as actual tactics and slams people into the floor headfirst whilst shouting "PH34R_T3H_MANBREAKFAST!!!" I own my own clan, and my clan pwns your clan and your other clan. I am the Preparer of Paincakes, The Bringer of Bacon and Wafflestomper, The Allmighty Manifesto Himself ManBreakfast.

any of this ringing a bell?
Re: Thing
Bells are fun to ring....
<ducky> The game.
<siku> ducky: i didnt know this was 2005 and 4chan
<siku> sorry, i hate the game and you should shut the fuck up about that retarded bullshit
<siku> you should link us to awesome and edgy motivational pics next or maybe pedobear
<siku> inb4 rep needs toriprime or vip lmao rofl that /b/ is grate
<siku> is this the part where you educate me on memes, further showcasing your amazing 4chan findings
<siku> word x is a meme lmao rofl
<+veb> someone make ducky smod
Re: Thing
Did you just state your clan owns Bouncy?!
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.