Original Post
Splinter_dancing spiders
Yup, a new replay thread with two brand new replays. (and one old replay) In fact, booming was made just half an hour ago. Enjoy, comment and critic. Comments are awesome

I am tired of constantly making new replay threads that just die after a week. I dont want this one to die so pull yourself together and post damnit!
Attached Files
splinter_boomin'.rpl (102.0 KB, 89 views)
splinter_jumping penguins.rpl (171.1 KB, 62 views)
splinter_dancing spiders.rpl (96.6 KB, 63 views)
Last edited by Splinter; Aug 14, 2009 at 11:30 PM.
Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread
yargh nice booms thou maybe focus a little more on style? Better movements and more fluidity in combination with those boomhits would make your replaysa amazing.8.4/10
im dead
1. Boomin-Quite impressivw the last hit was a very hard boom with a nice relaxxation to it. 8/10 could have used a skeet :O
2. Jumping penquins- very impressive too had lots of speed was fluid and your last boom was a Godly hit. 9/10
3. Dancing spiders-your opener was the most impressive were fairly in a bad state to do a spinney boom but did it anyways and had a heck of a kick 9.5/10
4. The crotchlifter-I didnt like the manipulation itselve but I did love how you Dm'd one at a time and I also loved you fforce in the attacks 8/10

all over 8.5/10 Great job sir
- > - > ORMO | 7th dan < - < -
<Muse> hush little kronos, dont you cry, Muse is gonna sing you a lullaby
I think I have alreay rated that but I will rate it again.

It was quite fast acually I loved how your just plowed through the uke like he wasent there I also loved when you smashed the legs together most people cant do that without embarising themselves.

Very nice,fluid,fast,and somewhat unique.

9.5/10 the only flaw was you almost had grab the whole replay.
- > - > ORMO | 7th dan < - < -
<Muse> hush little kronos, dont you cry, Muse is gonna sing you a lullaby