Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Flatland Bmx.
For those of you who dont know flatland bmx is bmx riding on flatland mostly involving blance on 1 wheel but often on 2 or even the handlebars or seat.
So basically i want to see who else flatlands and how long they have been riding.
It is also open for discussion.

I have a dk opsis and now the front break lever is broken but i can still do tricks its just harder to get into and out of a trackstand

and here i light a match

Its just a trackstand while flipping my balisong (this video is also in the balisong thread which you can find here)

And here is a video of some pretty good riders.
Last edited by Andy; Jul 31, 2009 at 10:42 PM.
you shouldn't own a bmx or consider yourself a bike rider or flatlander if you cant work on and repair the damn bike yourself

There, Happy? i did it outside and with no breaks at that. proof of no front breaks is at the beginning of the vid
i can get into it without walking into it if i had front breaks
as far as combos i might be able to do something like a fire hydrant but only wing it half way
idk ive never tried i will as soon as i get a new lever