i like the hands and the torso. the rest... ehhhh it really needs some work. try to make it a little more robotic, add some different shapes like that circle thing on the hands.
in my opinion it's very overpriced. remember the starting price is not supposed to be set at the least amount you want, but lower, try more like 5k, and maybe autobuy 25k, or redo parts of the set to make it look better. it's a good idea to look around at other auctions, and see what people sell things for. make sure you look at the price it sells for, not the autobuy or min bid.
also look at the quality, and either determine a fair price yourself (think "what would i pay for this set") or get it TMJ approved.
but i gotta say, i
really like those hands.
Last edited by Carlton; Aug 2, 2009 at 06:52 AM.