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+I can't preview my textures
i'm trying to make a set but i can't preview my textures :/
i have toribash 3.8 and i use windows,my picture is 128x128 and is named r_leg and is in my custom folder in my name,and is saved in .tga format,i used gimp to make it,and i made sure that RLE compression is uncheck then saved it,i go into single player and type in /dl Profile1to10 and i get.....nothing.i'm doing everything right,so what's happening ?
Try making a new folder in the custom folder and call it test.

Then put the textures in that folder and type /lp 0 test to see the textures.
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In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
thanks gumfighter,worked isntantly alright,some other zawesome dude close the thread please