Christmas Lottery
Original Post
hello this is my current youtube project
tell me what you think !

want to be in it go to events>who wants in a vid>sign up

direct link
Last edited by sampandora; Aug 3, 2009 at 01:05 AM.
<Insert Cucumer here>
Music choice is rather slow for a toribash video. Also it's overused. Everyone likes a song they've never heard before that sounds good.

Replays could be recorded better, freecam is your friend, a little bit of slowdown speed up and effects in sync with the song would make it more interesting.

Also, just wondering, but why is it under related videos there's hentai? Toribash =\= hentai

If it's just me then that's weird.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
Also, just wondering, but why is it under related videos there's hentai? Toribash =\= hentai

If it's just me then that's weird.

Its wierd because related videos is often the next video the viewers watch after watching your vid. That means it's lots of hentai lovers out there :P.

I can't judge this vid yet, since its an entry for my competition.
Last edited by Ezeth; Aug 12, 2009 at 07:51 PM.