Original Post
Trying to find a way to halt spinning in mid-air, I stumbled upon these. Enjoy.
Attached Files
Divebomb.rpl (18.5 KB, 61 views)
Stretched Divebomb.rpl (18.4 KB, 55 views)
Last edited by Stumpy; Jul 22, 2007 at 07:25 PM.
Awesome, the first one looks like it gained enough momentum for a decap if it would have hit Uke, Nice descovery!
That's pretty damn good. I liked how you teabagged Uke in the second replay.
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He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

I guess it's kinda hack or some ODE bug used here... Physically it's impossible to stop spinning...somehow momentum of inertia disappeares...