Christmas Lottery
Original Post
1000 posts and more... I'm back again!
Sup dawgs

Im going to be back

As soon as this is my 1000th post, this has to be spezial



so I am fuckin happy ;]

#note for all new members ;)

look for hidden messagez

it'll have radeon 4890, dual core 3.00 ghz , 4gb ram and (to prevent writting "tb") 1000andfew gigabytes on hard disk

So my video making carrers starts again with shadered toribash !

Also I can make cool pictures for ppl now

also, second cool thing for my 1000 th post : when I hadn't computer and I wasn't making any deals I got profit of 100-150 k ( I can't remember some items)

ok, this is my last post from borrowed laptop. I'll get that THING at monday/tuesday (2-3 days)
||Donate me ^^|| Proud member of [Addicted]||10th DAN||Buy TC here!

Also when you'll have new one, be more active so we fail together, ait?

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by DarkHunt View Post
it'll have radeon 4890, dual core 3.00 ghz , 4gb ram and (to prevent writting "tb") 1000andfew gigabytes on hard disk

It's about 4 times better than my computer :x
But It's laptop...

gratz, enjoy, etc.