Original Post
I r shaek teh handz n r loopings over
Started playing for the first time three days ago, and wanted to attempt some training at balancing in singleplayer for both upcoming multiplayer-battles and for posting epic-replays-to-be (hopefully), and accidentally it looked kinda good. Make up your own minds.

(Does the replay link not work for you? Try right-clicking on it and opening in a new tab or window.)
Attached Files
Trix.rpl (92.5 KB, 33 views)
Last edited by Huakk; Aug 16, 2009 at 01:46 AM.

Pretty easy to do

Took about 5 minutes


Thats what people would say about this if you have been playing a while

Since youve only been playing 3 days.

Because even though your training, Its not really a replay as such as people want it to be
Last edited by noomy; Aug 16, 2009 at 03:52 AM.