Original Post
How do I get my gif sigs to work?
I upload gif attachments and sinstead of vids i get pic? please help. Here is an example: This is a stick pivot animation, wwhich I was told had to be gif for the vid to show......they are gif files but after uploading they become jpgs? plz help! Thanks
Last edited by hidingwarior; Apr 2, 2008 at 02:18 AM.
If you make your .gif sig or avatar outside of the size boundaries allowed, the forum code will auto-resize it, and remove the animation elements.
Crap. So how do I make it the right size?

Never mind, I figured it out. Thanks!
Last edited by hidingwarior; Apr 2, 2008 at 02:18 AM.
I use Irfanview, its pretty simple and small. I really only use it for resizing pictures. It should resize it fine. Just remember that it will keep the figure of the picture, so it won't distort it into a square if it was originally a rectangle.
On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.
If you ever want to use anymore animated gifs, then make sure they're small like my current one. Although, I must admit, the size limit is very unfortunate for me. I have much better animated gifs that are a bit, or way to big.
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

Use imageshack. The limit is only if you upload it to the forums.
凸[◣_◢]凸 PRAISE LID 凸[◣_◢]凸 FUCK THA HATERS 凸[◣_◢]凸 PUT THIS IN YO SIG IF U DOWN 凸[◣_◢]凸