Original Post
200 creds for decap!
I'll give 200 creds to the one that can get the head of uke using head only, u can hold onto the body or likely, but u can only touch the head with your head. Put the replay in here and ill send u 200 creds
Done and done.
Attached Files
jamzamhead.rpl (36.4 KB, 34 views)
Hi. I used to be a damn good mod (wayback 2008 and earlier) and then veb made me not a mod.
Been playing competitive Team Fortress 2.
u didnt say weither it we couldnt use a mod or not
Attached Files
u said head to head.rpl (15.7 KB, 16 views)
Last edited by cabose; Aug 4, 2007 at 12:57 PM.
ok, almost forgot about dis... volt is the winner couse hes the first one to get hes replay here and hes allso the best one.