Original Post
meh, item.dat editing.
ok, well i have a item.dat request thred in the begnner sanctuary. and some people have been requesting the promo colors. if anyone has a promo color would you please post your item.dat here? thenk you
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Numerical sort and alphabetical sort.
Also, don't mind about the T's after the names.

NeptuneT 11
EctoT 12
CopperT 16
JuryoT 21
AuroraT 22
AcidT 26
AmethystT 27
AquaT 28
BronzeT 29
DemonT 30
DragonT 31
ElfT 32
GoldT 33
MarineT 34
NoxiousT 35
OrcT 36
QuicksilverT 37
RadioactiveT 38
SapphireT 39
ToxicT 40
VampireT 41
ChronosT 42
GaiaT 43
GladiatorT 44
HydraT 45
PharosT 46
SphinxT 47
TitanT 48
TyphonT 49
PureT 50
PlatinumT 55
CrimsonT 57
RaptorT 58
PlasmaT 59
AmberT 61
AzuriteT 62
ViridianT 64
ShamanT 65
SupernovaT 71
AdamantiumT 75
VoidT 85
ImperialT 86
CobraT 88
BeetleT 92
IvoryT 97
OldGoldT 100
CamoT 101
MagnetiteT 102
VulcanT 104
Hot PinkT 105
RaiderT 106
TyrianT 107
KevlarT 108
MayaT 109
AlphaImperialT 110
DemolitionT 113
PersianT 114
VelvetT 115
WarriorT 116
MysterioT 118
SuperflyT 120
KnoxT 121
HeliosT 123
OliveT 124

AcidT 26
AdamantiumT 75
AlphaImperialT 110
AmberT 61
AmethystT 27
AquaT 28
AuroraT 22
AzuriteT 62
BeetleT 92
BronzeT 29
CamoT 101
ChronosT 42
CobraT 88
CopperT 16
CrimsonT 57
DemolitionT 113
DemonT 30
DragonT 31
EctoT 12
ElfT 32
GaiaT 43
GladiatorT 44
GoldT 33
HeliosT 123
HotPinkT 105
HydraT 45
ImperialT 86
IvoryT 97
JuryoT 21
KevlarT 108
KnoxT 121
MagnetiteT 102
MarineT 34
MayaT 109
MysterioT 118
NeptuneT 11
NoxiousT 35
OldGoldT 100
OliveT 124
OrcT 36
PersianT 114
PharosT 46
PlasmaT 59
PlatinumT 55
PureT 50
QuicksilverT 37
RadioactiveT 38
RaiderT 106
RaptorT 58
SapphireT 39
ShamanT 65
SphinxT 47
SuperflyT 120
SupernovaT 71
TitanT 48
ToxicT 40
TyphonT 49
TyrianT 107
VampireT 41
VelvetT 115
ViridianT 64
VoidT 85
VulcanT 104
WarriorT 116