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Childhood memories
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I don't have any pics of my TB childhood.

But I did get good at this game quickly.
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
I think I have something.

Till somewhen about blue belt I was full orc. Then:

At like blackbelt-2nd dan I was like that.

Then idk when I got orange fag, and then current set.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
The head I used at black and such was self made, orange one is by gnx, Tompaine made current one.

After 2nd dan I had one more theme, sphinx/bronze, but I don't have pics I think.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
i used to be gladiator chronos in my first tb days xD
Then i moved to orc-marine
Then i can't remember how i got a lil' bit more tc and made myself cobra-gold
Then shaman-toxic.
And finally, i am right now imperial pharos(avvy is not updated :|).

No pics of my old textures though D:
Oh nice piccie there Moltee, me like.

Dont have any pics of my old days.

Till I was Black Belt I just had noxious relax. Not more. Then I bought those crazy 500K and were full text fag
I looked nearly the same like the Jtank, but one of my gradients was radioactive :P

Also relax has been different, I can't remember

Anyway, my texture-being-carrer started at 3rd dan I think (or 2nd?)
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Gosh, I remember some of mine.

I had a screenshot with my old slycooper head, the screenshot is nowhere to be found now.

On my old account, Corbin, I had a head texture at blackbelt, I was proud :'D