Original Post
need help whith sever
Help! when ever i try to login it it says i cant if anyone can help, thanks.
Are you sure you're logging into servers within your belt range? You can't log into servers unless you have the right belt:

Begginer: white - yellow

Intermediate: orange - green

Semipro: blue - brown

Blackbelt: pretty obvious

Last edited by NutHug; Sep 2, 2009 at 08:40 PM.
Quit, probably.
I think it is like this:

Begginer: white - yellow

Intermediate: White - green

Semipro: White - brown

Blackbelt: Balck Belt and +
Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post
Honestly, you need to say exactly what it says.

It says 'You can't'?

Or does it say, not connected?

it says error: connot connect to sever
One: you need to read the posts above,
two: make your own server. It allows you to choose your mod, and set restrictions to modify the matches to your liking.