Excuse me? Why do you two constantly do this? I'm well aware of it's prices on the YouShop and the ToriExchange, I am not selling it for less than 44k. If I wanted to sell it for less, I would have XXK next to it. If you don't have 44k then don't post on it. If you want to pay 18k for it, then make your own personal thread stating that you want to buy it for that price, and watch no one come along. Quit invading my threads with useless posts. If you are not buying anything in this shop, then move your happy rears along to the next thread. Both Reported for Ignoring Market Global Rules, since you obviously did not spend 2 minutes to read them all.
Eddy1217, for the record, it is LESS like 18k. More means "Greater in Size" and 18k is LESS than 44k. You meant to say CLOSER to 18k, but you said MORE because of your Great Hope for me to lower the price.
RDEVIL, Do you want nova lax for less, or are you just critiquing my shop. BTW it was not constructive, because you didn't construct anything. Yet another useless post by you on my threads. Offering TC for an Item and not buying it. Thanks for the bumps, and don't post on my threads again unless you want to buy something.