I have to say, what is the difference between Modern Warfare and World at War anyway? All i can see is different balance on the weapons, different models and names for the weapons and soldiers, and different maps, oh and dogs instead of helicopters.
Then they resell it as a 'new game'. Nice.
All the games these days dont seem to be as exciting and fun as they used to be, and i think Guitaroo is right when he talks about the lack of local interactment, I know I only play shooters when im playing with people I know, and even then i usually only play at LANs.
Games now days dont exactly follow the 'right way' to make a sequel. For example, really when you think hard about it, all the CoDs are pretty much the same, i mean yeah they perfected some of the systems and made it feel like there was a lot more achievement, but the game is still the same.
Then look at the Prince of Persia chain, we have Prince of Persia (the original), and its sequal Prince of Persia two: The shadow and the flame. Then we have the next in the series, that isnt exactly a sequal, Prince of Persia 3D. At the point the series is pretty much mature, so they opt for a new series with completely different gameplay, the Sands of Time trillogy, and finally the completely new Prince of Persia (200
, once again with new gameplay. This is how a game should mature, it goes through a number of phases, changing significantly at each one. In the way of Mario games, you have a lot of different genres tied to one franchise, which makes an unnatural variety.
So long as they mix it up, im cool with franchises running for a long time.
Another example would be Wacraft. Warcraft 1 was 2D, and featured 2 races, WC2 was 2d aswell, and featured 4 races as well as online gameplay, which was very significant, and was the beginning of the maturation of the series, the current installment of WC3 focused more on bringing the game up to standard graphics wise, and on setting up a more usable online interface and editor. This is when the series is basically completely mature, and from now on we dont really expect another expansion, and if so it will merely be expanding on the content.
We expect 4 races, an improved editor and an improved online interface, but we dont expect anything significant from the matured series.
Certainly Warcraft 4 should be the end of the series, unless they can present anything new and groundbreaking.