Christmas Lottery
Re: Karma?
You can raise or lower someones karma, its like a status thing, shows how liked/unliked they are.


Re: Karma?
Get your karma up and nothing bad can happen to you, irl!
HIYAAAAAAaaa FACEKICK IN YOUR FACE....... Nah i'm just kidding
Re: Karma?
but you could end up loathed by everyone on the forums ;)

Its just a fun little system to see who is actually contributing to the community, and who is logging in every day just to insult (chooses random name) manbreakfast.
I has a flavour
Re: Karma?
Chuck Norris is in fact the most deadliest weapon on this planet, But then there's EmpreamKick
Re: Karma?
well, the forum went down and took out most of the mods with it. You did have to enter a reason but that does not seem to be working at the moment.
You can only modify the karma of someone who created a thread (but that also seems to be not working).

If you like what someone posted (be it funny, insightful, useful, or just randomly) you can increase their karma. If they are just whining and generally being stupid, you mark them down for it by lowering their karma. Its effectively just a way showing who is adding to the community, and who to trust.
I has a flavour
Re: Karma?
O.K thanks. I was just wondering why my karma was - because i dont remember posting anything stupid or whiny.