Someone to improve on my original head.
Alright, I'd like someone to improve on my current head, you'll find it in the heads folder, but I'll post it here anyway.
What I'd like:
-Make the bandana look more like it would if placed on someone- sloped slightly. Grey bandana please, or red, whichever looks best.
-Eyes! Eye's for god's sake! Try and make the eye's just black.
-Better hair, more real and less airbrushy... Black hair.
-No more goatee please.
-Keep the skin colour white or the default toribash joint colours, I just need it to fit in nicely.
Just remember that I want this head to be simple, it needs to be in the greys and blacks - like the toribash style.
I'm willing to pay 500 if it lives up to my expectations, but expect a large tip if it pleases me.
Thanks in advance.