View Poll Results: good idea or not?
yay ^^
1 Votes / 25.00%
well wy not just give it an try we'll see aferwards...
2 Votes / 50.00%
no way 0o
1 Votes / 25.00%
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extend the clan founding ledgend
heya dudes
we all know our clan has an ledgend
(for those who dont know it this is it
-Clan Story-
It all started 439 years ago, as the legend tells,
the legendary warrior of whom deeds were of legends.
His name was Frey Steiyl. A true master in the martial arts.
His foes were terified of his drunken style. While fighting endless
battles with thousands of foes, the boozewell ran dry.
All the other drunken master went berzerk because they just
couldn't control the power they posessed. Frey was different.
He designed his own style, and he named it after his name,
thus Freysteiyl. What eventually became Freestyle as you can
imagine. Legends tell that this legendary Master still lives deep
inside the mountains of Ming, in his Cloud Temple.

anyhow i was thinkking on extending the tale to an actual story. add an extended history to it like how he learned the martial arts ect (imma write (at least ill try to)) ill just stick to the story but make it more an ledgend like than an short story.
after im done ill post it in this page.

any reactions on the idea are welcome.

ps: no i wont fuck the story up written some stuff b4 and pepol like it so no worries there^^)

439 years ago an young boy was born. he lived in an land of peace.
the boy was named Frey Steiyl. his parents were terrible and at an young age he ran away from his parents in search for a better future...

the kid traveled for weeks and lived from what nature had to offer him. it wasn't much but it was all he had.
sometimes he came near an village but cince he had no money he couldnt afford to stay there so he traveled on.
after allmost an year of traveling the boy became exhousted of life. suddernly the sky became black, the ground followed and everyting around him dissapeared.
form the darkness voices emmerged saying, "young boy, you have traveled far and sufered much. yet there is hope een when darkness strikes."
another voice said "search to the east and you will find your destiny" the voices disapeared again and the world re-appeared.
the boy didnt know what just hapened but he decided to follow the advice of the voices and travle east.
only an few hours later he traveled through the mountains he saw something on the top of the mountain and went out to investigate.
the way to the top was difficult but he mannaged to klimb all the way. when he finally reached the top there was nothing there.
yet it felt peacefull so he decided to stay here for the night. afer eating he went to sleep and when he closed his eyes the world turned dark again.
the boy woke up in an small house. there was an old man on an chair next to his bed.
so youve finally woke up young child said the man. the kid was confused and asked who the man was. the man didnt awnser but started to talk...

young child, the gods have contacted you. they send me to train you for what is your destiny.
Frey Steiyl tryed to move but he seemed to be unable to, it didnt bother the man and he continued his tale.
you are here in an sacred place protected by the gods against harm you are free but you can not leave this place.
tomorrow i will tell you more and we wil start your training but for now you wil rest.
again the world turned black and the young kid fell asleep.

the kid woke up on the top of the mountain again but it was not the same as before and the old man was gone.
the boy was now full of questions but cincnce there was noone around to ask he just chose to walk along.
as he continued his way down he saw an small house. maybe i can find awnsers there he thought.

the kid saw the old man and recognised him from he strange dream. he ran as far as he could in the hope neer to see the old man again.
but after a few minutes of running he saw the house again, with the man still waiting for him. the boy ran again and he heard the man's voice saying,
"I thold you. you can not leave."
no way screamed the kid and ran even faster than before just to see the house again in the distance with the man still waiting.
he ran away again and again but every time he ended up in the same place. the kid got tired of running and realised he truely couldn't escape.
so he acceptedthe old man's invenation to come in. the man said, "well done young boy. youve learned your first lesson, to accept the truth even if it is impossible to believe.

after the kid walked in the house the man led him to an table and handed him an chair and some food and water.
the boy quickly sat down and started eating. afer he finnished eating the kid asked, "so im here but wy can't i leave? even if i run i jus end up here again."
good question my boy, and i will explain it.
this place is not on the earth you know. this place is founded between 2 realms. the realm you know as earth and the realm of the gods.
this world has boundaries if you reach them you will end up on the other side of this world. you can run forever here in an straight line.
but you wil never get any further than a few miles untill you end up in the place you started. i hope that explains your question.
allso you said that my training would begin today, said the kid. it has my young friend as I said before you allready learned your first lesson and you will learn the second one in time.
when you've learned it you will know. you will be free to leave when you've learned your last lesson and your training is complete yet, you cant leave without my help.

then my next question will be when is my training complete? you will know the awnser when the time has come, said the old man.
i onely have one more question then. who are you?
this time the man didnt reply instantly but fell silent for an short moment.
then he said, "I have no name, nor do I truely exist. yet you will call me master as it is my true name."
think on that and I will see you in the morning. then the man dissapeared.

end of part two (i will continue he story later on but it takes lots of time to write stuff.)
allso if i get a lot of negatie comments i will stop writing due it has no use then.

comment plz ^^
Last edited by timoV44; Sep 10, 2009 at 05:19 PM.
And as allways,
have fun
You can use this thread to make your story if you want, but our clan story will stay.
Please use proper grammer tho, "an" only comes for words starting with an "a" and "o" etc.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
yeah sry ^^ grammer aint my thing. ill keep an eye out for it
ps writen some more stuff in new collor ^^
Last edited by timoV44; Sep 10, 2009 at 07:34 PM.
And as allways,
have fun